Saturday, September 12, 2009



1. Dayang Laing x Bunsu Ribut = Bunsu Bintang Banyak
2. Bunsu Bintang Banyak x Jelenggai = Selamuda
3. Selamuda x Dayang Manis Muka = Begeri
4. Begeri x Senia = Busok “Tandok Raja”
5. Busok “Tandok Raja” x Singgau = Mai “Apai Rekaya”, Sendie (f)

6.1 Mai “Apai Rekaya” x Jelawai = Patinggi Gurang
7.1 Patinggi Gurang x Pudai = Patinggi Ngadan
8.1 Patinggi Ngadan x Lamentan = Bata (f), Lubun
9.1 Bata x Sambang = Pala (f)
10.1 Pala x Entinggang = Saang, Nasa (f), Inchoh (f)
11.1 Saang x Selaka = Nangku (f), Changgai, Lanchang, Tida (f), Umoi (f), Injar, Laus (f), Lika (f)
12.11 Nangku x Uyut “Bedilang Besi” = Pala (f), Linggir, Empari, Entemang, Sendai (f), Nisi (f), Cheremie (f).
13.11 Pala x Renggie = Kelanang, Saang, Janta, Jantin, Adir, Busu.
14.11 Kelanang x Empayung = Uyut II, Lanchang, Empiang, Leminang
15.11 Uyut II x Sawat (f) = Linggir “Mali Lebu”
16.11 Linggir “Mali Lebu” x Anong = Umang (f), Kinyeh
17.11 Umang x Garan “Lembang Batu” = Uyut III, Libau, Kerbau, Tupang (f), Attat
18.11 Attat x Indoo (f) = Benedict Sandin, Lentie (f), L.F.Mawar, Gerinching (f)
19.11 L.F. Mawar x Roslyne Petri = Marilyn Mengan x David Muyu = Diana Indoo & Victoria Sia, Gregory Nyanggau x Evelyn Rendan = Abrahame Limping & Nigel Ubong, Hughes Chunggat x Shirley Rabong= Basil Temenggong,Nana & Imah Christabel Cherurai x Allen Crock Nanta= Daniel Gait, Damien Anjie, Debbie Jara & Dalcia Cheria, Elizabeth Tara x Brownie Abunawas = Madonna Sendi & Marshall Liggong, Jacqueline Selaka (f)
20.11 Anthony Dunggau x Jacqueline Selaka = Trina Mayang, Ronstan Nelian & Fedelia Niah

12.12 Lika (f) x Malang “Pengarah” = Gelang (f)
13.12 Gelang x Unggam = Chulo “Tarang”, Idah (f), Rinting (f)

14.121 Chulo “Tarang” x Dinggu = Ngadan, Unggit, Ujoh, Dungkong (f), Lanjing (f), Gulang (f)
15.121 Lanjing x Ratih = Penghulu Undom
16.121 Penghulu Undom x Ginyam (f) = Chandat (f)
17.121 Chandat x Penghulu Entigu = Ratih, Kuling

14.122 Idah x Ipa = Kedit “Rindang”, Anjee, Risik, Satik (f), Sima (f)
15.122 Kedit “Rindang” x Sundai (f) = Penghulu Saang “Rumpang”, Penghulu Tait, Jampang “Pintu Meru”, Melling, Graman, Garai.
16.122 Peng. Saang “Rumpang” x Gelingie = Rimbu (f)
17.122 Rimbu x Ipa = Ivory Kedit, Jawai (f), TR Charlie, Julia (f), Gelang (f), Kinta (f), Insin (f), Illan & Sudan (f)
18.122 Ivory Kedit x Inja (f) = Albert Rumpang, Peter Mulok, Selina (f), Alice (f), Nancy (f), Magdelene (f), & Angel
19.122 Nancy x Temenggong Mathew Dana = Bayang, Lumpu, Daniel, Reminda (f)

6.2 Sendie (f) x Guang = Lanchap
7.21 Lanchap x Judi = Tair, Tida (f), Tingkat
8.21 Tair x Giam (f) = Rendan (f)
9.21 Rendan x Manggie = Tama
10.21 Tama x Manyi (f) = Kerbau
11.21 Kerbau x Nisi (f) = Gendup
12.21 Gendup x Ujor = Rinya (f), Mawar Biak “Ragai Ngerang”, Melling, Eddie, Ranti

13.211 Rinya x Enchana = Giam (f)
14.211 Giam (f) x Jimbat = Kanching (f)
15.211 Kanching x Ipol = Kusau
16.211 Kusau x Lawas (f) = Unchi, Megong, Tampoi
17.211 Unchi x Jentang = Garan, Jawai (f), Assan
18.211 Garan x Renyam = Ambang, Tupang (f), Sawat (f), Mayang (f), Jata (f)
19.211 Ambang x Genilau = Renggie, Tambong (f), Jentang (f)
20.2111 Renggie x Nyala = Gerijih, Jawai (f), Nurin (f), Saang, Penghulu Mula, Sandu (f)

13.212 Mawar Biak “Ragai Ngerang”* x Lena (f) = Gallau
14.212 Gallau x Chandu (f)* = Imban, Ladang (f), Sulau
15.2121 Imban x Nati (f) = Chelengga (f)
16.2121 Chelengga (f) x Bali = Sangkan
17.2121 Sangkan x Nawi (f) = Tambong (f), Janang
18.2121 Tambong x Limping = Uja, Bali
19.2121 Uja x Sree = Nyanggau
20.2121 Nyanggau x Gindu (f) = Indoo (f)
21.2121 Indoo (f) x Attat = Benedict Sandin, LF Mawar
22.2121 LF Mawar x Petry (f) = Marilyn Mengan, Gregory Nyanggau (Author), Hugh Chunggat, Christabel Cherurai, Elizabeth Tara & Jacqueline Selaka

15.2122 Ladang (f) x Bunyau = Kunchit
16.2122 Kunchit x Umos (f) = Unggang “Lebor Menoa”
17.2122 Unggang “Lebor Menoa” x Sangan = Mulok, Luta, Ketit, Sulan (f), Ramih (f), Selaka(f)
18.21221 Mulok x Mendu (f) = Changgai, Sendie (f), Ladang (f)
19.21221 Changgai x Linda (f) = Budin “Gerasi”, Dunggat, Eddie.

18.21222 Sulan x Awan = Bunyau, Maoh, Undu (f)
19.21222 Undu x Empari = Tangkun “Resa”, Pengarah Ringkai, Nyanggau “Lang Laut”, Penghulu Biju
20.21222 Nyanggau “Lang Laut” x Satik (f) = Penghulu Empati, Machup, Merara (f)
21.21222 Penghulu Empati x Pendi (f) = Chula, Impang, Tanai (f)
22.21222 Tanai (f) x Saliman = Pancras Eddie, Nati (f)

20.21223 Pengarah Ringkai “Bedilang Besi” x Itu (f) = Setiri (f)
21.21223 Setiri (f) x Salang = Siah (f), Remah, Bunyau, Branggom, Dujung
22.21223 Siah (f) x Layang = James Anin
23.21223 James Anin x Juliana Bragai (f) = Stanley Geraman, Timothy Salang, Diana Selaka, Larry Mahathir Kedit


1. Dayang Laing was created by God Almighty from a big piece of gold called “Tengkulas Batu Mas” which he placed at the eastern corner of the world surrounded by desert. Her first husband was Bunsu Ribut (the Wind God) and begot the Seven Sisters (Bintang Banyak or Pleidaes). Her second husband was Abu Tinggang the son of Petara Semarugah (god who have authority on all land).

Ci.2 Jelenggai was a Sumatran ancestor. He was a sailor and an adventurer. He married the youngest of the Seven Sisters (Bunsu Bintang Banyak) – the daughter of Dayang Laing and Bunsu Ribut – and begot Selamuda. He taught the Iban on how to use the movement of Pleidaes to determine their padi planting season.

Ci.3 Selamuda married Dayang Manis Muka, the daughter of the Boar Chief of the animal Spirit world. They begot Begeri who learned how to use pig liver to discern the future fate of human being during festivals, such as mudas, when farmers seek indication regarding omen heard during the clearing season of the year. His descendant is still using this tradition nowadays.

Ci.7.1 Patinggi Gurang was a Sumatran ancestor who came from Sumatra and landed at Kayong in Kalimantan Barat where he finally settled.

Ci.8.1 Patinggi Ngadan was one of first pioneers who came from Kayong to settle in the middle Layar river in the Saribas District where he died and was buried at Lupa Cemetry near Dabok, Layar.

Ci.11.1 Saang was a chief who migrated from Layar to settle in the Lower Paku. Due to his arrival, the lower Paku and Upper Paku were made into two administrative region long before the arrival of the Rajah Brooke. When he died, he was succeeded as chief of Lower Paku and Anyut region by his son-in-law Uyut “Bedilang Besi” the husband of his eldest daughter Nangku.

Ci.12.12 Malang “Pengarah” married Lika (a daughter of Saang and younger sister of Nangku) was driven away from Ulu Anyut by his brother-in-law, Uyut “Bedilang Besi” and other relatives. As a result, Malang and his family settled at Serudit Stream in the Lower Paku. His descendant were the famous warrior under Chief Linggir “Mali Lebu” and war leader Chulo “Tarang” who later migrated to Krian Region in the Kalaka Dustrict. The reason for the expulsion was unknown.

Ci.16.122 Penghulu Saang “Rumpang” was also a Nakhoda who led his followers, together with Budin “Gerasi” and his followers, bought valuable jars in Sabah.

Ci.13.212 Mawar Biak “Ragai Ngerang” was a war leader who lived at Ulu Entanak near the town of Betong in the Saribas District. He died in the enemy’s country while leading his fighters in war.

Ci.14.212 Chandu (f) was a daughter of Selangka and Bau of Seremat in the Batang Ai, near Lubok Antu. Her father Selengka was a mighty war leader of the Batang Ai of his time. Chandu was the sister of Sentu, Mawan, Pagan, Niok (f) and Buja of Enteli in Batang Ai. Her hierloom “Tajau” is still kept by the family of late Benedict Sandin @ Kerangan Pinggai, Paku, Spaoh, Saribas.

Ci.17.2122 Chief Unggang “Lebor Menoa” was the invader of the old Malay Village at Muara Tebas where he and his warriors killed many enemies. He also guarded the South China Sea coast from the mouth of Saribas River westward as far as Santubong Delta from frequent invasions of the Illanun and Sulok Pirates before the arrival of James Brooke to Sarawak. His sons Luta, Mulok & Ketit perished while sailing in search of Tuchong (Hugh Shell valued by people in ancient days for making armlets) to the Beliton Island. He was also the originator of the modern day dowry of the Saribas Iban wedding custom. His grandson Bunyau was the father of Panglima Bakir and the brother of Maoh who were the first Saribas Iban Chief to colloborate with the Government of James Brooke in building a fort at Betong in 1858. This unwelcomed action angered Ajie, Nanang & Luyoh (sons of OKP Dana “Bayang” of Padeh) and resulted in hatred among them and this led to the later’s attack on the Fort and Ajie’s death at Sungai Langit. This quarell continued until after Nanang & Luyoh’s surrender at Sadok Mountain in 1861 after the Third Sadok Expedition.

Ci.19.21222 Pengarah Ringkai was made the first Iban Pengarah under Brooke Rule at Fort Alice in Simanggang in 1886. He suceeded Penglima Bakir who died in 1874. All his brothers were loyal fighters of the Brooke. He died in 1902 and was succeeded by his brother, Penghulu Biju who retires in 1922. Penghulu Biju died of old age in 1927. He was suceeded by his nephew cum son-in-law, Penghulu Empati in 1922. Chulo (son of Penghulu Empati) was a longhouse headman in sucession of his uncle Manggat (son of Tangkun “Resa”) at Bangai Kanan near Betong. Pancres Eddie was a Sarawak Administrative Officer (SAO) at the end of the Brooke Rule in 1941 at Lubok Antu. After 2nd World War, he was attached to the Sarawak Co-operative Dept. and then to Radio Malaysia Sarawak as Head of Iban Section, and from thence he became the Resident of the 7th Division of Sarawak till his retirement in 1973.

Compiled & researched by Gregory Nyanggau Mawar

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